Award ceremony of the excellence award ‘SPĀRNI 2022’ of the State Education Development Agency
In 2022, the State Education Development Agency presented the excellence award ‘Spārni 2022’ for the first time. The prize was awarded to nine Erasmus+ projects for outstanding results in the programme priorities ‘Inclusion and diversity’, ‘Digital transformation’, ‘Environment and fight against climate change’ and ‘Participation in democratic life’, and three professional education institutions for their contribution to quality professional education and excellence of skills, and three municipalities and their structural units for efficient and sustainable career support measures. During the event, also the Innovative Teaching Awards of the European Commission were awarded to four education institutions.
For the event, we provided for the arrangement and decorations and the host and musical performances, animated visuals for the award ceremony, videos about the nominees, complete technical equipment for the event (sound, light, presentations, stage, furniture), flowers for the winners, catering, possibility to take pictures.