EU Life Long learning Grundtvig programme financed project “The Learning Lab for Integration”
There are many examples in the world of organisations that help differently abled people to return to the labour market, become involved in public processes, and gain an education and new qualifications. There are many ideas in this regard, but they have not been correlated in a single location. We elaborated project “Learning Lab for Integration” to submit for funding from European Union’s Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig. The basic idea was to establish a database where everyone can learn about examples of good practices in Latvia and elsewhere in the world.
Organisations from three European Union countries – Latvia, Great Britain and Spain – were involved. Comperio was the main partner, and others included the Apeirons Association of Differently Abled People and their Friends (Latvia), Point Europa (UK) and Espiral Entitat De Serveis (Spain).
We worked with Apeirons to organise the competition “We Are Strong!” The aim was to correlate examples of good practices from all over Latvia. The logo was provocative – Superman in a wheelchair. We thus attracted attention and emphasised the fact that people can do anything if they have the will to do so. Our project exceeded expectations. We received 64 examples of good practices from very diverse organisations and individuals in Latvia. Experts from the EU Education, Audio-Visual and Cultural Agency declared that the project had “effective results and an outstanding process of dissemination!”
The database from the project can be found in Latvian at, in English at, and in Spanish at