Evaluation of the communication strategy about the EU Structural Funds
As a subcontractor to SIA Safege Baltija, we assessed the efficiency and usefulness of the communication measures implemented by the institutions involved in the administration of EU funds during the programming period 2014–2020.
Communication activities were assessed by using qualitative and quantitative methods for obtaining information, including analysis of secondary data on the performance indicators of activities and reports and existing public opinion surveys, interviews with experts and representatives of institutions involved in the EU Structural Funds communication, and focus group discussion with design thinking elements.
We managed to identify also examples of successful and less effective communication to help those responsible for the communication of EU Structural Funds plan the future communication measures and activities better.
Our conclusions revealed that success factors of the communication measures of the EU Structural Funds are related to creative solutions, striking campaigns, cooperation between several institutions, individual experience stories, and use of various communication channels, including direct communication. These methods are able to reach wide audience and raise their awareness of the impact of the Structural Funds; moreover, the positive evaluation given by participants and visitors of various events serves as another evidence of the efficiency of these events.
On the other hand, poor coordination, lack of time, management intervention, unsuccessful cooperation with contractors (which is a result of poor procurement process), inefficient crisis communication, and formal and technical information have often prevented efficient and comprehensive use of the available resources when informing the society about the importance of EU funds in Latvia.
Picture: a brochure from the EU funds communication campaign
Full title of the report “Mid-term evaluation of the implementation efficiency of the communication strategy 2015–2023 for the programming period 2014–2020 of the EU Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund”.