Communication strategy for publicity of the EU Structural Fund projects administered by the Ministry of Justice
In the programming period 2014–2020, the Ministry of Justice supervises three EU Structural Fund projects or specific objectives: 1) Raising the competence of courts and personnel of law enforcement institutions to promote development of business environment (project “Justice for Development”); 2) Improving the integration of ex-prisoners into society and labour market; 3) Improving the efficiency of the resocialisation system. These projects will be implemented by 31 December 2022.
Our experts studied the situation and developed two communication strategies (one for the project “Justice for Development” and the other for the projects “Integration of ex-prisoners into society and labour market” and “Improving the efficiency of the resocialisation system”) that would assist the Ministry of Justice in the organising publicity measures and communication with target audiences.
Strategies define the target audiences, messages, and suggested information channels and methods, and include tactical plan for external communication (also suggestions for media relations and organising events), activity plan for internal communication, social media plan, crisis communication plan, and visual solution offer for publicity materials.