For the last five years Business Resource Centre of the Latvian Employers Confederation was offering free of cost training programmes to employers using the support of the European Social Fund and government budget. Since the beginning of the training programme in the spring of 2010 more than 1800 employers – entrepreneurs and municipality representatives – have used the opportunity to improve their professional skills. These training programmes were managed by the company Comperio.
The training programmes have been developed and were delivered in co-operation with highly qualified experts and lectors. Three programmes were available programmes (each two day long):
- “Bilateral and trilateral social dialogue and human resource management”,
- “Business development and corporate and social responsibility”,
- “Promotion of public – private partnership and strategic management”.
Training consisted of lectures, practical exercises, discussions on the training topic including wider discussions with decision makers.
The training was organised within European Social fund project “Rising administrative capacity of Latvian Employers Confederation in regions” (id. no. 1DP/